Monday, June 6, 2011

Repost: Shine 1 Resolution 2010

shine1 2010 resolution

Okay, sorry for the very late posting. I’m sure u’ve read melisa's & pao's resolution. So without further ado, here’s the rest of the crew’s resolution.
  1. Change job latest by April
  2. Breakthrough in Relationship with Family (in expressing it)
  3. Family trip overseas
  4. No procrastination
  5. Think more detailed
  6. Read 2 book in a quarter (so 8 books for 2010)
  7. More love for God’s people
  8. Sports, once a week (dance/fitness)
  9. Eat more fruits and vegie
  1. Salary Increment
  2. Strengthen the foundation of my job
  3. Clear job scope
  4. Starts something on business
  5. Open relationship
  6. Contact family regularly
  7. Build a deeper friendship
  8. Understands about myself
  9. Learn to focus
  10. Treasure the relationship with God
  11. Give my best on ministry
  12. Healthy life style
  13. Eat more fruit
  14. Drink more water
  15. Take multivitamin
  1. Career improvement / Start a new business
  2. Traveling!
  3. Life partner
  4. Keep in touch with family, minimum once a week
  5. More diligence, patience and on time
  6. Read bible and devotion time regularly
  7. Sports once a week, and enough sleep
  8. Take further study
  1. Become a permanent staff in Starhub
  2. Become a blessing in the workplace
  3. Family trips to Singapore
  4. Become a blessing for my friendship
  5. Grow in character
  6. Read the bible everyday
  7. Involve more in ministries
  8. Apple once a day
  9. Life partner
  10. Humble heart that obeys the Lord
  1. Salary increase and a new job
  2. Humble and teachable heart, more joy and enthusiast
  3. Quiet time, worship and life journal
  4. Financial record, and invest
  5. Read 12 books
  6. Life partner
  7. 2x Family prayer
  8. Pop believe in Jesus and to grow faith in God
  9. Sport once a week, and try wall climbing

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