Monday, June 6, 2011

Repost: Shine 1 Gathering

Boardgame @ Settler Cafe

Last weekend shine1 went to Ishimura Japanese Food court @ Paradiz Center :)
I like it very much. Shine2 joined us for dinner although they didn’t want to mix with us on the same table :p Had a nice dinner with a lots of ‘jayus’ thing. :)
Ok ok, I’ll post the jayus thing here =p
Q: The ark was built in 3 stories, and the top story had a window to let light in, but how did they get light to the bottom 2 stories?
A: They used floodlights.
Q: What is the best way to get to Paradise?
A: Turn right and go straight.
Q: Who is the greatest baby-sitter mentioned in the Bible?
A: David - he rocked Goliath to sleep.
Q: What do they call pastors in Germany?
A: German Shepherds.
Q: Which servant of Jehovah was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?
A: Moses, because he broke all 10 commandments at once.
Q: Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy?
A: The area around the Jordan - the banks were always overflowing.
Q: Which bible character had no parents?
A: Joshua, son of Nun.
Q: Why didn’t Noah go fishing?
A: He only had two worms!
Q: Who was the greatest financier in the Bible ?
A: Noah: He was floating his stock, while everyone else was in liquidation.
Q: Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible ?
A: When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.
Some of the jokes I couldn’t understand either. :) Especially the first 2 jokes.
After dinner we went to Settler Cafe @ SMU to play boardgame, but only 6 of us playing and the rest chit chatting. The game was actually quite interesting. Someone got the new nickname as Monkey Queen ;) and Cockroach Queen. Wahaahaa… After that we tried to find one Monkey King to match with the Queen. Hail Ming2 and hail Hery ;p
Why they can become monkey king and queen? They played a game to collect stick while they cannot drop the monkey. Who drop the most monkey will become the monkey queen and king. :) And the lucky one is Ming! ^_^
Full of laughing and fun

1 comment:

  1. i guess this was long long time a go rite? missed the moment together...
